Learn the details of inbound call handling 学习呼入服务电话的具体处理。
The difference between outbound and inbound telemarketing and the advantages to a company of receiving a lot inbound calls 对外电话营销和对内电话营销的区别以及对内电话营销对公司的益处。
The integration of both inbound call distribution and automated outbound call placement from a list of phone contacts to be made from a database 来自电话表的入站呼叫分发和自动出站呼叫分配的结合,由数据库来完成。
Demonstrate familiarity with general principles of workflow in an inbound call / email center and current technologies to help manage that workflow 熟悉呼入电话/邮件中心的工作流程的总体原则。熟悉当前的技术来帮助干好的控制管理工作流程。